Saturday, August 2, 2008

Strength Training as an "Authentic Practice"

The principle aim for me of strength training is to find the pure motivation to engage in the the discipline of strength training completely, to exit these peak experiences through training and leave the attention of my physical practice where it was, with an increased awareness of where I am at now. This is my test of engaging in this practice as an "authentic practice" as opposed to a purely conventional one.

Ive been going through a reflection for a while now on the motivation to engage in the practice of strength training based on conventional benefits (strength, power, vitality) at odds with the motivation to pursue as an intense focus of awareness and towards a deeper practice. I have to recognise that have conventional goals based on what seems to be gross physical and superficial basis, however I am at the same time still seeking to experience different depths of a strength practice in partnership with this conventional intent.

My perspective in going through this dichotomy is to recognise that when my motivation is purely superficial, the practice oscillates depending on my physical and emotional states. When this is the case I can engage in a deep practice but its not a given. If I wake and I'm tired, busy with work and family and with a superficial motivation for practice, these influences will block the natural flow of experience to practice and ultimately influences my capacity to be fully in the moment. Its when I recognise between those moments that the practice of strength training has capacity beyond the superficial, I can engage in it and experience depth, regardless of the reality of my external influences and internal reactions.

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